How to Look Amazing in Photos: Our Favorite Styling Tips
We think a lot about styling around here. One of the things that sets Blue Sky’s Studio apart from other Orange County photographers is our commitment to not just take great photos, but to make sure you look best in them. For us, that means taking the extra time to help you select outfits from your own wardrobe or even using select pieces from our desginer clothing library. In addition, most of our shoots include a professional makeup and hairstylist to make sure you look picture perfect and authentically your best self.
We’ve written quite a bit about this over the years so we thought it would be fun to do a roundup of some of our favorite posts and resources.
Celebrity Styling Secrets for Your Next Photo Shoot
Do you ever look at those photos of celebrities and wonder how much is PhotoShop and how much is just great styling and posing? We get it. And while we do perform tastefully subtle PhotoShop enhancements for some clients (wink, wink), we prefer to make you look your best from the start. Read the full post.
Ladies: What to Wear for the Best Headshots
What might look great in real life, might be a disaster for your professional head shots, (or Model for a Day photos). For the best head shots, let’s go over what women should wear. Read on about what to wear.
What to Wear: Family Portraits
What to wear in a family photo–this seemingly simple question grows complex when you realize whatever you and your family wear will be on display for years to come. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right family ensemble. Read more about what to wear for your family portrait session.

8 Easy Fashion Tips for Girls Senior Pictures
Here are a few ways you can prepare for your best senior pictures portrait session:
Come to the session clean faced, with clean, dry hair. Our professional makeup artist will do the rest. It is also a great idea to bring a picture of makeup you really love so we can give you that perfect look that represents YOU! Read all of the tips.
Behind the Scenes: Why You Never Need to Worry About How You Look Again
Have you ever worried about having the right clothes, makeup, or hair for your photo session? Or maybe you’ve worried about how you’d look with those few extra pounds you gained recently? I can relate! But I want you to know a few behind-the-scenes things that just might change everything for you (really). Read the full post.
Styled Photography Sessions Throughout Orange County
I love people photography! In fact, if I won the lottery, I would be one of those people who continued to do my job, because it is really what I love to do (oh and I would travel all over the world between shoots). But uncovering how my clients want to be photographed, and always being focused on providing the most amazing portraits that fulfill my clients requirements, can sometimes leave me wanting to do a “just because” photo session. Read the full post.